Discipleship Online
Online Content to help you grow.
Jesus is the centerpiece of our Faith. The only son of God and only means of salvation. Discipleship is about becoming more like Jesus.
Prayer is our direct line to God. Not just a means of communication, but a crucial way of growing closer to Jesus and in our Faith.
The Bible is God’s Word. Completely true and totally inspired by HIM. Studying scripture helps us grow in understanding and maturity.
Our Current Message Series: “Life without Limitations”
What does it mean to follow Jesus? To be a Disciple? Have we put limits on what it means to be the Church? In this series we have been exploring what it means to go beyond the limits we have put on ourselves and on Jesus. The Gospel accounts show Jesus calling people beyond what would be possible on their own and into a “Life without Limitations.” A Church that exists and thrives outside of a building on Sunday Mornings. A Christ-Centered Family meeting and serving the needs of its community. Disciples making Disciples. Join us in this series as we seek to let go of our doubt and trust in the identity, purpose and mission that Jesus has for us!
Watch & Read
Watch a Clip from the Chosen and Read read the actual account for yourself in Scripture.
Jesus heals the Leper. (Matthew 8)
Jesus forgives a man of his sins. (Mark 2)
Jesus heals a man who cannot walk. (John 5)